So I'm supposed to be at a party right now that is being thrown by Tha Beatminerz for the CMJ in New York City this week. As much as I enjoy hearing them do their thing, and as badly as I need to be out networking, I'm sitting here at the computer watching TV. I swear to you I believe that If they had a cable channel called "Tha Scarface Channel" and all they did was show the movie "Scarface" 24 hours a day without commercial interruption, I believe niggaz would watch it. I know I would. Anyway, getting back to my point. I just don't feel like it tonight. Not just going to the party, I just don't feel like being "Priest" today.
I know that Mercury is in retrograde because I see the signs everywhere. I'm playing it cool, focusing on my work, and cutting my grass in order to see the snakes around me. I came to the realization last night that I'm gonna have to scrap my "Best Of Priest" mixtape because in reviewing the material, its not really the "Best Of Priest" it's more like a collection of stuff thass just been sitting around and not doing anything. I'm going to put it together though and make it what it needs to be. I will HAVE to think of another title for it though.
Don't get it twisted, It's still miles above that bullshit that you hear on ya Hot 97 everyday (not that that's saying much, ) It's just that I tend to record more music than I could ever hope to put out, so while its new to anyone who never heard it, its old to me by the time you do. Another problem is that the perfectionist in me will always find something wrong with it. I know all artists go through this but I swear I don't know if its my OCD but it just has to feel right before I put it out. So I say that to say that my deadline is not looking good.
Not only that but I gotta finish mixing tha new John O Mixtape as well as "The Gecko Brothas" EP and I'm just a lil overwhelmed right now. I'm moving, getting ready to leave town, and I'm undergoing the process of reevaluating some of the people in my life and whether I need them around me to continue forward or not. Suffice it to say its been a lil shaky on this end. If not for my babies and my music I swear that I would be up in a steeple with a shotgun sometimes. I feel a little better right this second though, cause I turned to the Clippers / Nuggets game and Carmelo Anthony just got ejected. That shows me I'm not tha only one who doesn't feel like playing games today.
I say this because I read 3 blogs from other artists today who are all going thru tha same kinda shit. I decided to post mine to let them as well as other people know that we all go thru things like this at certain times in life. The trick is not to let them beat you. The adversity of the world is not gonna go anywhere so you can only do what you can do to deal with it the best you can. In the end thass all you can do.
As for me I wont be going to any party tonight, I've got too much work to do. Maybe next time.