Damn its been a while since I blogged. I know im pretty pathetic with this but it is a process. From now on, I promise to do this once a month (minimum). If I dont please e-mail me and let me know. Anyway
I was reflecting on my life this past weekend while and I came to the realization that other than needing to new soundcard for my computer, things are sorta good.
It was NOT all good just a year ago,
Last year this time my life was in a state of chaos. I had all kinda shit going on. So called friends and family throwing me under the bus and betraying me. Stress was at an all time high.
This year has been one of the best that I have had in a long time and for that I am truly blessed. For every opportunity that has fallen through (Like that TV show on VH1), I have had another one present itself (That all elusive recording deal). My family is good and although things still are not perfect. They are better than they were and looking up.
I used to hear that tale about how people can block your blessings. God removed some of the people from my life and I can not tell you how much better things have been for me. I had lost perspective and let my loyalty to situations, business and people dictate my decisions. I can truly tell you that everything happens for a reason and although you might not understand it at the time, you will know why later.
I can tell you dozens of lessons I have learned or been reminded of in this past year, that have been extremely beneficial to me. However for the sake of time I will list 5 in no particular order.
5. The business of "Crisis Management" does not pay well,
Most of the time this is often more about the people around you being fuck-ups than your ability or need to handle situations. If someone is constantly coming to you with crisis situations then you need to let them learn to deal with them rather than trying to be Superman (Now Why Do Yooooooooou!) and save the day. They'll be alright. Eventually you will re-examine why you even have them around you in the first place. Unless you just like drama, me I prefer comedy. My point is dont do it to yourself.
4. Eat beef, dont live it.
Especially when you realize that you have more to lose over something stupid than any beef is worth. This doesn't make you a punk. Most of the time I avoid beef not because I'm afraid of what will happen to me. I'm more worried about what someone is gonna make me do to them. Its not worth having to ask God for forgiveness because some fucking poser decides to try to test you. God will take care of them your main responsibility is taking care of you and yours. Never let anyone make you jeopardize that for anything if you can help it. Being locked up is no fun. Trust me
3. Get free or die trying.
I was watching "Roots" and weekend and I saw the scene during the middle passage where the female slave jumps off of the boat rather than to let herself be violated by the sailors. I was yelling at the TV "Aiight! Fuck that, get free!!!" This concept is something a lot of people cannot wrap their mind around. Most times people go to jobs they hate and are miserable to the point that they make everyone around them miserable. If you aint happy in how your situation is then take responsibility for it and change it. Period. Everything else is some "Blue Pill Matrix" shit. People who don't know any better follow the masses like sheep because that's what they've been told to do. Know what you stand for so that you can learn to depend on you and you can truly be free.
2. Even without 30 pieces of gold, they WILL betray you.
So keep your relationships in their proper perspective. Everyone you are related to will not always behave like your family, every person you grew up with will not always be your friend, every person you do business with will not always act in the best interest of being your partner and every person that you are intimate with has the potential to, given proper motivation and opportunity, can and will stab you in tha back. Give yourself tha time you need to deal with it and move on. Plotting revenge and being bitter isn't worth it. Success and happiness it the best revenge. Put your energy into that and you will do better
And the most important thing is
1. Sometimes Its good to be me
Life can be a struggle and sometimes you spend so much time in pursuit of your goals and dreams that you never take stock of how much you have been blessed. Stop every now and then to take a look around you and smell the roses. Try and remember that this is all a series of mountains, there will be peaks and valleys navigate them the best you can.
What have you learned this past year. Give me 3 things:
Priest Forever
Harlem's Most Dangerous Emcee