So I went to Portland Oregon this weekend. We had a show with Angie Stone. I had never seen her perform before and I must say that she is one talented performer. She has the whole game down. I also find her story quite inspiring. for those of you who don't know Angie Stone used to be Angie B and she was one of the female MC's in the group "Sequence" that was on Sugarhill records back in tha day. (Dig That! If I'da been thinkin I woulda brought my copy with me to have her sign it.) Anyway, back to what I was saying.
It was bad enough that I had to travel over the thanksgiving holiday, but having to deal with the tha T.S.A. (which I always thought stood for "Those Stupid Asses") was another thing altogether. I don't like the fact that I have to go through all this bullshit to have my toiletries rummaged through, but I've done that rant already. I found Portland to be very peaceful. I've been through there a couple of times before, but never more than the usual get off tha plane, go to tha hotel, go to the show, get back on the plane and leave bit. It wasn't much different this time, however I must say I was at peace. I don't know if it was as much Portland as it was some of the changes that I have gone through in my life, whatever it was though, it was pleasant. I'm at a point where I will take that If I can get that.
Other than that it was really an quite uneventful trip. This pic of me sitting in tha airport is just me in Denver waiting to go standby. I ended up getting bumped up to first class and watching that movie about Uma Thurman being some kinda ex girlfriend who's a superhero. Well, It was on, I didn't watch it, I don't stay awake when I fly, but we've covered that too I think.
Well let's see what this week brings, I'm sure I will find something else to blog about...
Priest Forever
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