So this is the opening paragraph of the blog where I say how much I am sorry about not posting more often and how its just been so busy lately and how I promise to step up my blogging game and add entries more frequently and yadda yadda yadda and so on. So if we can all agree that we know that's what happens here then lets agree to just move on and act we all know that I'm gonna try to do a better job if it. Ok?
Ah, the summer that was this past summer. It was a busy time for me as I did my usual of racking up the frequent flyer miles. What were some memorable things that happened this summer? Well we shot more videos to support our album, tha radio show moved full steam ahead and the "From Dusk Til Dawn" CD kept moving units. We shot out video for our next single, "The Buckdown" and it was cool. We were doing one take and some random chick decides to jump her ass in front of the camera like she's in the group or something but other than that everything was fine. Big shouts to everyone who came through and supported. It was much appreciated.
The state of Hip Hop pretty much remained stagnant as usual with only a few decent offerings coming out this summer. I cant say that I got caught up in all tha "Little Wayne" hysteria but I can say that independent Hip Hop offered some good music that mainstream radio slept on as usual. Not that thass anything new though, radio has been sleeping for years. I am glad to see my cats in the underground stepping up to the plate. I have come to the conclusion that I am more interested in playing unsigned and independent artists than mainstream major label artists because they just seem to have a lot more substance lately. If fact, if you are an independent Hip Hop artist and would like to get your music to me for consideration for airplay on our radioshow, send me an e-mail or mp3 of your music to the address listed below.
Priest@priestforever.net Subject: Radio show submission
Please make sure that your music is radio edited. I don't have time to edit it myself so please make sure it is clean.
Tha superhero movies were in full effect this summer as well. I enjoyed "Iron Man" and was surprised at how good "The Hulk" was. Batman was a classic but Hancock was some old bullshit. Tropic Thunder was alright. I think that Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise were the funniest things in the movie but I am looking forward to "Burn After Reading". The Cohen Brothers make some funny movies. Rent "Raising Arizona" or "The Big Lebowski" if you don't believe me. I know its "No Country For Old Men" that everyone is buzzing about but I haven't seen that one yet so in my mind they are still primarily comedy directors.
I'm so glad that the football season is in full effect now. I have had these Giants fans giving me the business all summer and now it is time for my Cowboys to redeem themselves. The sad truth of the matter is that with Brady gone for the season, the NY Jets with Brett Farve now have a better chance of making the playoffs than the NY Giants do. Also big ups to Serena Williams for winning her 3rd US Open.
As for this upcoming election, all I'm gonna say about that is I'm voting, "Eric B. for President" (Clap ya hands and do what he's doing...) I know that if Obama does get elected to office, black people are gonna act like it is a national holiday. I can't wait to see it unfold, cats soming in to work late talking about "Man, its national Obama Day, I aint even supposed to be at work today!" I thought about getting some t-shirts made up if he did win that would say "Tha Black Man Wins Again!" the problem is I cant ever really figure out when we won the first time.
Other than that I'm gonna, well you know what I'm gonna say here, just keep checking back man...
1 comment:
Valuable resource of ny giants news summaries: http://www.ng2000.com/fw.php?tp=ny-giants
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