Wednesday, January 30, 2008

U betta watch for tha signs mann

I have always believed that sometimes signs come from the strangest places. The hard part is that sometimes you have just got to lay back and try to be aware of the signs when they reveal themselves.

As most of you know I am finishing up a album with my man John O called "From Dusk Til Dawn". Now while the material is crazy, I am in the final stages of mixing and that is a tedious process (See my earlier blog on mixing). Plus I still gotta deal with everything else I need to deal with and it can get a little frustrating when you are working on so many different things. I find that sometimes you tend to feel like a project is not moving quickly enough for where you are trying to go with it.

Well I was feeling like this and then found myself watching TV. While flipping through tha channels, I came across an Quentin Tarintino interview on MSG. Since we named the Gecko Brothas project after the movie that Quentin did, I took it as a sign to see what the brother was talking about. They'd asked him what the toughest film he'd ever worked on was.

Quentin said that before he was well known, he had worked on a film project spending money he didnt have to buy film to do it for 5 years and at the end of all that, he had nothing come of it. No major movie deal or anything. He said that seeing that project thru was his proudest accomplishment because for him to have stuck to it and not given up on it showed a lot of growth in himself as and artist and although it was never released for everything that came with it he was glad to have done it. He kept pushing through it. Sounds like a sign to me. I got another sign a week ago.

I am a lover of music and I have a decent record collection. When I took the pic for my "Beast Within" mixtape that I put on my myspace profile, I was trying to recreate the feel of those old soul album covers where cats didnt have on a shirt on some old Al Green, Isaac Hayes type shit. Apparently a lot of people who saw it thought I was trying to be on some "I'm too sexy for my shirt" shit which was not my goal.

While there are a lot of cats are on here with tha shirtless pics chasing ass, (and females too) I am not one of them This is why I posted in big letters on my profile I DIDNT COME HERE TO MACK, I'M ABOUT THA MUSIC. Still what i found out is that some people never read the small print and thought I was trying to show some skin. I just wrote it off to the concept going over peoples heads. Then this week, I saw the video for Erykah Badu's Honey and I knew that some people DO get it.

If you haven't seen it go here:

(ps: you get mad points if you can name all of the album pics in the video. Ten extra points for the magazine cover)

She recreated all of the old soul album covers and interjected herself into them.(The damn thing is brilliant.) Now if you just are from the mp3 age you might not get it but if you are a DJ or vinyl purist like myself you could really appreciate it. (She killed it with the Earth wind and Fire cover), Anyway I took it as a sign to keep thinking outside tha box.

Artists think like artists and that is what makes them artists. Everyone is not gonna get it. Not all of the Beatles were feeling "Let It Be" when Paul McCartney auditoned it for them. They didn't think it fit into their sound but they were true enough to the art to put it out there and look what happened. It is one of their biggest hits. Sometimes you just gotta look for the signs. I tell ya.

Have you ever had any signs that you saw and knew were meant for you specifically? How did they affect you?

Holla back

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

I was sitting here watching this TV show called The Lords Of Brooklyn"about a Hip Hop / Rock band and their struggles to achieve that next level of stardom. In a lot of ways their situation parallels my own. They have that underground notoriety but keep getting their heads bumped when trying to get to that next level. It made me sit down and revisit a few thoughts that had been swimming around in my head for a while. Now, while I'm not big on new years resolutions, I'm big on moving forward so I decided to try something different this year.

This year I've decided to go extra hard in terms of my career. All of the opportunities I used to turn down I will take and all of the doors that were once closed I intend to kick down. If one way of doing things do not work for you, you have to try another and I have finally reached the point where I can accept that. Being the true Pisces that I am, I'm not gonna do anything until I get good and ready and I am finally at the point where I am ready to accept my destiny. I can't avoid it any longer. Everything is pushing me in a direction and I can no longer avoid the inevitable.

The radio show is more cohesive than it has ever been and I am happy about that. We finally have a solid team that all contributes something that makes the show better. The Damented Mindz movie is coming together and now we have 28 skits posted on YouTube so we are getting there slowly but surely. The Gecko Brothers Album is pure fire and I am shocked because this was something that went from a mixtape to an full out album. It was just supposed to be a couple of cats from the block collaborating on a track or two and now its gotten real serious. I'm impressed with John O's lyric game and the fact he has made it really hard for cats to half step on this joint so I can't wait for everyone else to hear it. And the Priest album is gonna.. Mann, You just gotta hear it.

So It will be a good year. I'm happier than I have been in a loooong time and now I've got great people in my life that support what I do and have made it easy for me to take it to that next level. Its up to me to do it. I'm getting a camera and I'm gonna document the changes I go thru and post them on tha blog for all to see. Should be interesting to see. A lot of other things are in the works but I can't mention them yet. You will just have to stick around to see what happens. Keep checking back and I will keep you posted. Also feel free to write me back on these blogs I wanna get your feedback and see how it goes down.

With that being said, hope you have a happy and productive New Year as well

Priest Forever
Harlem's Most Dangerous Emcee