Friday, July 22, 2005

Tha Bitches What What, Tha Bitches...

I hate mixing. It is the final most important part of the creation of a song and I hate doing it. A good mix can make bullshit beats sound hot (i.e. D.M.X.'s first album) or it can make hot beats sound wack (i.e. Blackmoon's first album) . What frustrates me even more about mixing is that I cant wrap my mind around recording or mixing on computer based systems. Its a bitch

I learned how to mix in Analog studios on a 2 inch reel with a Neve board. Now everyone uses pro tools and Mackie boards. Fuck Pro Tools and Mackie, I hate that shit. I've only seen one engineer who could bend that pro tools shit like he was Neo bending tha Matrix. I'm mixing on cubase now and It kills me cause its a bitch to deal with.

Sleep deprivation is a bitch too. I swear to you that I haven't slept in the last 4 years. im tired of being tired so imma cut this short and take a nap and finish mixing later.

c-ya bitches...

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